Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Website ~Bryan Farley dot come

  Bryan's Farley's website is very interesting. His pictures real focus on the main thing. The best part about Farley Pictures is he takes pictures differently. Mostly his pictures are not just people smiling to the camera but they tell a story about the person.People want to see pictures that are different not just everyday pictures.

    The first picture you see on his blog is an amazing picture that is clear and shows the main persons. While seeing the picture you have a story built in you head abut the both women. One of the ladies is getting ready for a very special event. The other lady doing her makeup which iam a summing is a makeup artist. In this picture you immediately see the story and thats what people really want to see when they are looking at pictures.
    The third pictures shows also a story. To me the story is maybe brother love or love. Both persons sharing hug is is touching. Not only these people are hugging the picture is very clear and really show the main idea. this is in San Marco when the season is ending and they are probably proud of there team. As you can see the pictures gives a story. You not quit sure what actually happend but it gives a story that you know it could be true.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cropping for Better composition - Advanced Photo

After :
I choose to crop this photo like this because, the first photo shows dead space that is not really needed. I cropped the bottom because it was also very blurry.


      I Choose to crop this picture this way because, I wanted to get the main idea in this photo. When you look at the first picture you look straight at the palm trees and the amazing bridged. In the after photo I cropped straight to the main place were the person will look straight too.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fill in the Fram Pics

Fill In The Fram
Taking fill in the fram pictures can be pretty tricky. I would take pictures of flowers because I believe that flowers and nature is much beautiful and easy for fill in the frame. Talking pictures of animals would be also a easy thing for fill in the frame. Having lots of space and really focus on the main thing inn the picture is was really makes fill in the frame pictures. You dont want to zoo in all the way but having the main focus on the item is what iam trying to take.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Canon Rebel t3i

    The Canon Rebel ti3 is one if the best cameras any one can purchase. The Canon t3i when fitted with either the 40mm f2.8 STM lens or the 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 STM zoom lens will allow you to have auto focus during video. The Canon also is touch screen which helps the person taking the picture focus and have a more clear view.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Yosemite Questions

How did he make money? Pop laval made money by people visiting yosemite park.
Did Yosemite pay him? yosemite did not pay him.
Who makes the most interesting photographs of Yosemite now? Yosemite employes would be the ones who take pictures.
 How are the images created? Using the best cameras and having great like is what they look, for.
 Are photographers paid to photograph Yosemite? Yes employes get paid and also sell pictures.
If you were photographing Yosemite, what would you do? I would look for angle and light to capture the best places in Yosemite.
 What would you want to do? I would love to take pictures of animals and different lakes.